Mistakes That Could Complicate Your Pavement Resurfacing

Resurfacing your pavement is an essential aspect of maintaining the overall appearance and functionality of your property. It can help improve safety, enhance curb appeal, and prolong the pavement's lifespan. When resurfacing pavement, people often make common mistakes that can result in complications and project failure during their project. 

Mistake: Neglecting Proper Preparation Of The Pavement

When conducting a resurfacing project, it is essential to properly evaluate the condition of the current surface, which is often overlooked. Assessing the current state of the pavement helps you identify any areas that need repair or replacement before proceeding with resurfacing. Failing to do so may cause problems, as any weak spots on your existing surface can compromise your new layer's stability and longevity.

Proper drainage is another critical factor that should not be neglected when preparing for a resurfacing project. Ensure there are no pooling water issues on your current pavement because this can lead to premature deterioration and costly repairs once you have completed resurfacing work. Address drainage issues before laying down a new layer, effectively ensuring water flows away from paved surfaces.

Mistake: Ignoring Weather Conditions Leading Up To The Resurfacing Project

Weather conditions play an essential role in determining how well your new surface adheres to its base material during a resurfacing job. In particular, temperature and humidity fluctuations leading up to it significantly affect this process. Excessive heat or cold could impact how well materials bind together. Similarly, high humidity levels inhibit proper curing times. Consider the impact of weather on your resurfacing project and adjust your schedule accordingly to ensure optimal results.

Given the potential consequences of bad weather on your pavement resurfacing, scheduling the job when conditions are most favorable is crucial. Moderate weather with low but consistent humidity is the ideal condition for paving projects. This will help reduce complications during and after the resurfacing process, ultimately ensuring better results and longevity for your new surface.

Mistake: Failing To Address Underlying Issues Damaging The Pavement

Another mistake that can compromise pavement resurfacing is neglecting to identify and address underlying issues causing damage in the first place. Common examples include poor drainage leading to water pooling or excessive vehicle weight causing stress on specific areas.

It is essential to identify these issues before proceeding with any work, as merely applying a new layer over them will not necessarily solve problems, and it may even exacerbate existing ones or create new ones over time. By addressing any underlying issues before starting a pavement resurfacing project, you are giving yourself an opportunity not only for better results but also to prevent further damage from occurring.

Reach out to a paving contractor to learn more about pavement resurfacing.
