Adding Custom Striping To Your Asphalt Parking Lot

Providing a paved parking area for people outside your business is an excellent addition to the property, but once the parking lot is put in, it needs striping. Custom parking lot striping helps to define the parking areas, travel lanes, and areas where you do not want people to park. Parking Lot Striping Contractors After your parking lot is complete, hiring a contractor for the parking lot striping needs is essential. [Read More]

Causes And Repair Options For Parking Lot Puddles

Puddles and standing water on your parking lot surface can pose a hazard -- both to the parking lot and to your customers. Puddles can lead to potholes, cracks, and crumbling asphalt. Further, the depressions that allow puddles to form can be an inconvenience to those navigating the parking lot on foot and can even damage a low-profile vehicle. Types of Depressions There are three common types of depressions that can form on a parking lot -- rutting, birdbaths, and raveling. [Read More]

Asphalt Patching Might Extend The Life Of Your Worn-Down Parking Lot

If your parking lot has potholes and cracks, talk to an asphalt paving expert for advice on how to refurbish your lot. A damaged lot doesn't always have to be torn out and replaced. It might be possible to patch the damaged areas instead. Here's a look at how asphalt patching works. The Type Of Patch Material Is Chosen Hot patch is normally used. This is like the hot asphalt material that was used to build your parking lot. [Read More]

Pave Now Or Wait?

With everything going on with the economy, you should cut costs if you can to preserve money for core expenses like payroll, commercial property payments, and necessary maintenance. For many businesses, that's meant a sudden slashing of all spending, which has a ripple effect on other companies. Deciding where that line between core cost and nonessential expenditure is not easy, but you don't have to take penny-pinching to an extreme, especially when a maintenance issue is in the spotlight. [Read More]